Full Package Design for Baby Clothing Brand – Kauri and Sons

This project was a full brand package including logo design, illustration, garment design, stationery, packaging design, and website design (Rocketspark).
Kauri and Sons is a boutique baby company from Aotearoa. They are a family business with a strong social conscience and a reverence for nature that runs deep. Everyone and everything involved in their baby clothing is considered with care. The cotton is 100% rain-fed and they use low impact dyes that are AZO free. Like the mighty Kauri tree, they want our children to stand tall and proud, looking great as they do.
Kauri and Sons is a boutique baby company from Aotearoa. They are a family business with a strong social conscience and a reverence for nature that runs deep. Everyone and everything involved in their baby clothing is considered with care. The cotton is 100% rain-fed and they use low impact dyes that are AZO free. Like the mighty Kauri tree, they want our children to stand tall and proud, looking great as they do.

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Published on
November 12, 2024