Jillian Whitmore is a freelance Brand Marketing Consultant from Wellington

Marketing doesn’t have to be hard and it’s not as ‘dark magic’ as it may seem. So while many small business owners and entrepreneurs don’t have huge marketing budgets to spend on in-house marketing and digital advertising, there are some low-cost basics they can work on themselves. I’ve spent the majority of my career working with small start-up budgets, so leveraging as much organic growth as possible is what I specialise in.

I’ve also found that organic growth creates truly authentic brands with highly engaged audiences. Long-game growth strategies such as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), brand positioning and brand marketing are the fundamentals that any business should be doing for their growth strategy.

Because I know how ‘going it alone' can feel, I offer consultancy services for entrepreneurs and small business owners to ensure their positioning and growth strategy is golden.

I have worked with businesses from start-up to scale-up. And no matter what they are trying to achieve, if they have clearly articulated their vision and purpose, their teams are aligned and their business goals are smashed out of the park.

I love working with people who are passionate about their business and love talking about their customers and their story.

Case Studies


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