The Right Tool

Project Thumbail for The Right Tool - Elliot Sturzaker
Ever felt like you're digging through a messy toolbox when trying to find the right app for your business? Well, that's where The Right Tool comes in - it's like a well-organized shed for Kiwi business apps, and I got to be the head builder.

What we whipped up: The Right Tool is this nifty, free marketplace where Kiwi businesses can easily find the perfect apps to make their work life easier. Think of it as a matchmaking service, but for businesses and software.

My role in this DIY project: I was the team lead, keeping our small but mighty crew of devs on track. We had a deadline to meet, and spoiler alert: we nailed it.

The nuts and bolts:

- Backend: We went with Django. It's robust, like a good Kiwi timber frame.
- Frontend: React.js for that smooth, responsive feel.
- Hosting: We set up shop on Heroku and Netlify. They're like our digital real estate.

The coolest part? We built this thing to really understand what Kiwi businesses need. It's not just about finding any old tool; it's about finding the RIGHT tool that fits perfectly in your business toolkit.

This project was all about making life easier for busy Kiwi business owners. No more wasting time on apps that don't fit - we're helping them find their perfect match in the software world.

Huge shout out to Denym and Alex - these folks were a dream to work with. As our clients, they brought the vision and were totally awesome throughout the whole process. Clear communication, great feedback, and they really got what we were trying to achieve. It's always a win when you click with your clients like that.

This project has since been sold.
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Published on
October 10, 2024