
See how TutorLyft simplified finding tutors in Canada with a no-code platform, quickly gaining traction among students.

Project Thumbail for Tutorlyft - Connor Finlayson
When I met Omar, the founder of TutorLyft, I immediately saw potential in his idea. TutorLyft is a new tutoring service in Canada that connects students with excellent tutors, mainly for math at the high school and university levels. Omar's goal was simple: make it easier for students in Canada to find great tutors and improve their access to quality education.

I brought five years of experience in creating online marketplaces without needing to code, making me the right fit for this project. Omar found me through my YouTube channel and coaching program, and he felt that my skills perfectly aligned with his vision for TutorLyft. Excited about the project, I started working on the MVP (minimum viable product) for TutorLyft, confident in my ability to make Omar's idea a reality.

Omar was inspired to start TutorLyft by his own experiences with a tutor who drastically changed his approach to learning. He researched and found no dedicated services for finding local tutors in Canada. Seeing a chance to help students and tutors, he launched TutorLyft.

We began by discussing Omar’s goals and decided to use no-code tools for a simple, easy-to-manage website. Our target was to attract the first 100 paying customers. We created a welcoming homepage and profiles for 20 top tutors. Within three weeks, TutorLyft was up and running. We promoted it to high school and university students and their parents, quickly receiving positive feedback. Six weeks later, TutorLyft had not only more tutors but also over 30 students enrolled in paid sessions.

Omar now uses customer feedback to keep improving TutorLyft. By the end of the project, TutorLyft was set to grow into new markets and add more subjects. Omar had demonstrated a demand for this service and learned how to manage and expand the platform using no-code tools. The most fulfilling part for me was watching Omar grow from a beginner to a skilled no-code platform operator. TutorLyft’s story shows how technology can make education more accessible and empower entrepreneurs, regardless of their tech skills.
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Published on
August 14, 2024