How I co-ordinated a free new wellness resource to improve community well-being

My role in this project was as a Content Writer and one of two Project Coordinators. This initiative aimed to enhance community well-being in Tairawhiti Gisborne by fostering a deeper connection with nature.
Similar to how a doctor recommends physical activity for many conditions, this guide suggests nature as therapy. Not only are there the many benefits of physical activity while connecting with nature, there is also evidence of the positive impact on mental wellbeing, recovery time, and other factors in our overall well-being.
The guide features five short walks close to the city, information on where to loan a ViMo (all-terrain wheelchair) for free, how to get involved in volunteering, and nature-focused activities for families. For those wanting to go on their own wairua (spiritual) journey, ideas for how to get started are also included.
The guide is available online and in various local public-facing places.
A working group comprising representatives from the Department of Conservation, community, health, and iwi met regularly to develop the guide. The Department of Conservation project took four years to complete and faced many challenges. These challenges were due to the availability of people because of COVID-19 and Cyclone Gabrielle. The designers of the guide also had high workloads. Despite these challenges, our dedicated team persevered, recognizing the importance of our mission.
The content writing aspect of the project involved working with the group to identify key opportunities and writing the content to their brief. I liaised with the creative designers and sourced suitable images from within the local DOC team and mapping services to create a suitable map for the guide.
- A Ways to WellnessāTairawhiti Guide: This guide is available both as a hardcopy brochure and a downloadable PDF online. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their well-being through nature. Ways to wellness - TairÄwhiti: He Ara Taiao ki te Ora ā TairÄwhiti (
- Radio Scripts: Crafted engaging radio scripts to promote the guide, ensuring widespread awareness and accessibility within the community.
- Media Release: A media release was drafted and distributed to local media outlets, garnering attention and support for our initiative.
Images above: credit to Left to right: Charles Barrie, Sandra Groves and Trudi Ngawhare.