Lead Generarion - Google Ads

Project Thumbail for Lead Generarion - Google Ads  - Wyn Brand
<strong>Platform</strong> -Google Ads<br><strong>Goal</strong> - Lead generation<br><br><strong>Client</strong><br>A national franchise offering security services to businesses and consumers<br><br><strong>Problem</strong><ul><li>This business operated a network of local franchises, each of which offered different services, and had individual advertising budgets</li><li>This created a complex Google Ads account with 300+ individual ads.</li><li>Cost per lead varied significantly between locations and services, making advertising ROI difficult to determine</li></ul><br><strong>What I did</strong><ul><li>Conducted a customer needs analysis to identify the most relevant and high-frequency services a potential customer would search for, and restructured the account around those services.</li><li>Optimized bidding and ad copy so that the business only paid for the highest quality clicks.</li></ul><br><strong>Results</strong><ul><li>Without increasing spend, monthly leads increased YoY by 60% (circa 800 increased to 1,300)</li><li>The advertising produced so many leads that the business reached service capacity, and ad spend had to be reduced.</li></ul>
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Published on
September 9, 2024